Genre : Action, Bollywood, Drama, Family, Thriller, Whats New | Directed By : Tanuja Chandra | Produced By : Pooja Bhatt, Mukesh Bhatt
A ruthless killer is around who mercilessly rape and kill his female victims. When the killer does the same to Sonia Saigal; Naina, Sonia's twin sister decides to take a stand at the risk of her own life by conducting an extensive investigation to ascertain information about the killer. She does manage to gather his where-about and name, Gokul. She sought assistance from a blind ex-military officer Major Suraj Singh Rathod who is preparing her to combat Gokul.
Kajol Sonia / Naina Saigal
Sanjay Dutt Major Suraj Singh Rathod
Ashutosh Rana Gokul Pandit
Jas Arora Kabir
Tanvi Azmi Sonia / Naina's mother
Kunal Khemu Bhim