Genre : Amazon, Amazon UK, Bollywood, Comedy, Drama, Family, M-Go, MGO, Platforms, Romance, Whats New | Directed By : Punit Malhotra | Produced By : Karan Johar
It starts as the love story of a self-absorbed son of a Tamil industrialist and daughter of a Punjabi social activist. While Sreeram (Imran Khan) loves to have chicken and keeps a crab as a pet, Dia (Kareena Kapoor) is vegetarian. But soon their relationship falls apart and the story shifts to a Gujarat village, where the two have to literally build a bridge to mend fences. There is very little substance in this farcical tale, for, Punit and his team of writers are dealing with a world they know little about.
Kareena Kapoor Khan Dia Sharma
Imran Khan Sriram Venkat
Anupam Kher Latesh bhai
Shraddha Kapoor Vasudha