Genre : Action, Bollywood, Drama, Musical, Romance, Thriller, Whats New | Directed By : Kunal Deshmukh | Produced By : Mukesh Bhatt
Jannat 2 revolves around a smuggler Sonu Delhi KKC who deals in illegal guns. ACP Pratap Raghuvanshi is a sincere police officer who has taken the oath to demolish the illegal guns business. The entire movie moves around Mangal Singh Tomar, the gang leader dealing with the illegal guns and how Sonu Delhi and ACP Pratap Raghuvanshi fight back to demolish the gun smuggling business. Sonu Delhi falls in love with Jhanvi Tomar and how he manages to save his love.
Emraan Hashmi Sonu Dilli "KKC"
Esha Gupta Dr. Jhanvi Singh Tomar
Randeep Hooda ACP Pratap Raghuvanshi
Manish Chaudhary Manish Chaudhary
Mohammed Zeeshan Ayyub Balli