Genre : Bollywood, Comedy, Drama, Family, Google Play, iTunes, iTunes In | Directed By : Subhash Kapoor | Produced By : Fox STAR Studios
Jagdishwar Mishra aka Jolly (Akshay) starts out as a prominent lawyer’s sidekick in Kanpur. Driven by ambition, he hoodwinks a pregnant widow, Hina Siddique (Sayani Gupta) on the lookout for justice. He lands the murder case of her husband, but when she realizes he is a fraud, she kills herself. Leaving Jolly with a guilt on his conscience and an unresolved case in his hands. Now, he wants justice more than ever.
Akshay Kumar Jagdish Mishra / Jolly
Huma Qureshi Pushpa Pandey
Saurabh Shukla Judge Tripathy
Annu Kapoor Sachin Kantilal Mathur