Genre : Bollywood, categories, Comedy, Drama, Family, Fandangonow, Google Play, iTunes, Romance, Whats New | Directed By : Abbas-Mastan | Produced By : Abbas-Mastan
A man gets married to three girls accidentally. He does not love anyone of them, but loves another girl with whom he wanted to marry. Now he has to make sure that neither his three wives encounter with one another or with the girl whom he loves and he must give equal time to all of them.
Kapil Sharma Shiv Ram Kishan Kumar
Simran Kaur Mundi Simran
Manjari Fadnis Juhi
Elli Avram Deepika
Varun Sharma Karan
Arbaaz Khan Tiger Bhai
Supriya Pathak Shiv's Mother
Sai Lokur Anjali