Genre : Amazon, Amazon Prime Video, Amazon UK, Amazon US, Drama, Family, Google Play, Indies, iTunes, Platforms, Whats New | Directed By : Aditya Vikram Sengupta | Produced By : For Films
Labour of Love is set against the backdrop of a spiraling recession that hit India a few years back. Thousands of people lost their jobs without notice. Factories shut down and mills were locked. Faced with the uncertainty of losing their own jobs, the film's two central characters are under constant pressure to sustain their livelihood. But even in the face of adversity, they seem to possess a serene power and their demeanor helps display a strange, comforting calmness. Faced with the uncertainty of losing their own jobs, the film's two central characters are under constant pressure to sustain their livelihood.They share each others solitude in pursuit of a distant dream that visits them briefly every morning.