Genre : Bollywood, Drama, Google Play, Horror, iTunes, Musical, Mystery, Romance, Thriller, Whats New | Directed By : Vikram Bhatt | Produced By : Mukesh Bhatt, Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar
Emraan Hashmi is back with Raaz Reboot. The fourth installment of the Raaz franchise promiscuity and ofcourse an evil spirit in the house. Directed by Vikram Bhatt Bhatt and produced by Mahesh Bhatt and Mukesh Bhatt under their banner Vishesh films. This film also stars Gaurav Arora and Kriti Kharbanda. The story revolves around a haunted house, a little mystery and a newlywed, in-love couple where one partner is hiding a big truth. The story has all the elements of a horror film.
Gaurav Arora Rehan
Emraan Hashmi Aditya Shrivastav
Kriti Kharbanda Shaina