The Gulaab Gang members are activists and vigilantes in Bundelkhand Uttar and Madhya Pradesh.,They wear pink sarees and take up issues like domestic violence, the dowry system, rape, electricity matters, and education. Their fierce leader. Rajjo (Madhuri Dixit), locks horns with a conniving and shrewd politician. Sumitra Bagrecha (Juhi Chawla), who uses people. Rajjo runs a Gulaab gang in the village of Madhopur, where she teaches little girls their alphabet, and grown-up girls how to wield a lathi. Her gang is made up of women who wear bright pink. Rajjo’s closest friends in the gang are a tomboy (Divya Jagdale), a woman abandoned by her husband (Tannishtha Chatterjee), and a kohl-eyed woman (Priyanka Bose). These ladies go about standing up for the meek and the downtrodden, and clash against villainous husbands, cops and politicians
Tag Archives: 2014
April, 1945. As the Allies make their final push in the European Theater, a battle-hardened Army sergeant named Wardaddy commands a Sherman tank and his five-man crew on a deadly mission behind enemy lines. Outnumbered, out-gunned, and with a rookie soldier thrust into their platoon, Wardaddy and his men face overwhelming odds in their heroic attempts to strike at the heart of Nazi Germany.
Mohit – a marketing whiz kid vying for a step up the career ladder. Mayera – a financial brain with a penchant for shoes. They’re a young middle-class corporate couple that’s ambitious and likes the good life too. Their obstacle: Mayera’s wilful bureaucratic father V. K. Sehgal. Who gets the last laugh when recession strikes and the lack of money tests love? Mohit-Mayera or V. K. Sehgal?
Dedh Ishqiya
Taking on from where we left the previous time Dedh Ishqiya discovers yet another journey of Khalujan (Naseeruddin Shah) and Babban (Arshad Warsi), a poetic journey underlined with revenge, drama and deception. The Begum (Madhuri Dixit) of Majidabad is hosting a festival of poetry and music in her mansion. The country’s best poets are in town. Khalujan, the Nawab of Chandpur, is participating as a poet in the festival. He is not there merely to show off his poetic wares but to impress the widowed Begum who, as the grapevine suggests, is scouting for a husband – preferably a Babban arrives in Majidabad to exact revenge on Khalujan but his plans change the moment he sets his eyes on Begum’s maid and confidant, Munira alias Muniya (Huma Qureshi), a brash and sexy young woman. Muniya too has plans of her own. She leaves the palace every now and then in a disguise to meet gangsters in dark alleys. A dangerous kidnap plan is afoot. The palace is rife with intrigue. The shayari is dropped for the guns, daring chases and true intentions and in the end, love triumphs even if the players of the story do not.
Prem Ratan Dhan Payo
A conspiracy is hatched to eliminate the prince, Vijay, days before his coronation is to take place, by his younger brother who eyes the throne, riches and power. A lookalike of the prince, Prem, steps in at this point, who loses his heart to the prince’s beloved, Maithili.
A mesmeric force pulls Jabya onto the other side. The rarest of rare Black Sparrow he is told, is the cure to his problem. Her ashes are believed to cast a hypnotic spell on the one you are in love with. Completely away from the magical world of Jabya, exists the callous reality of his parents who are working at the most oppressed level of the Indian Class Structure and assume him to do the same work which they have done all their life. The protagonist has to now struggle between his quest to find the magical sparrow and his parents expectations.
Paranthe Wali Gali
A romantic love story between a Sikh girl Naina Kaur and a boy Maulik from Rajasthan, with a host of other characters who light up that part of Delhi. An artist with immense and prodigious passion for his craft stuck in the constant grueling battle between art and commercialization. What more? It is a spellbinding roller-coaster journey filled with the right dose of entertainment. A story which brings a comical view about a relationship shared between two different artists and the suspense when unfolded leaves us craving for more. The film revolves around Naina Kaur and Maulik. Maulik’s presence changes the course of Naina’s life. She not only falls for him but she rediscovers the meaning of love and passion. Her focus and passion in life reflects in her love for him. He is like modern day Hamlet. When tragedy strikes she doesn’t let him fall like Hamlet. Her faith in life and justice reaffirms his belief in justice. Finally her efforts bring him back to his art and love.
Urban Turban
Ann works as a marketing manager at a business college. Her boss Gary learns the college financials is in the red and all his hard work is going down the tube. Gary confides in Ann that if things don’t turn around, everyone at the college will lose their jobs. In a desperate attempt to raise student numbers, Ann comes across evidence that someone is deliberately stealing new recruits from the college. Working with Gary and Polly, the trio try to track down the traitor in their midst. Ann meets Monty, a sweet Indian boy who comes from a strict Sikh family. When Monty’s traditional brother Mr Lalli finds out about them, he “banishes” Monty to Fiji to remove him from Western decadence and plots against him. Once Monty returns to New Zealand from Fiji and discovers his brother’s plans, the only way out he can see is cutting off ties with his brother and asking Ann to marry him. Ann is in love with this boy but marriage? So soon?
Pyaar Vali Love Story
Pyar Vali Love Story’ presents two parallel stories. The first one is between a Garage owner Pashyabhai in a chawl and a street-smart and blunt girl Nandini , living in the chawl. When their marriage takes place, Pashyabhai’s younger brother Amar arrives in the chawl and then begins another love story between Amar and Aliya, a muslim girl( Sai Tamhankar) living in the neighbourhood. Aliya’s brother Kadar (Upendra Limaye) who is also good friend of Pashyabhai, fixes the marriage of his sister with Inspector Alam (Chinmay Mandlekar). When Kadar comes to know about his sister’s relationship with Amar, he warns him and even beats him. In the meanwhile, communal riots break out and Inspector Alam is killed. Kadar suspects Amar and vows to take the revenge. Amar and Aliya who are intensely in love, manage to run away from the scene.
Sanngto Aika
A drunkard stand up comedian finds himself all alone at the crossroads of life when he is entangled by political stooges to take the fall for a crime he has not committed. His loving wife and 6 year old son feel let down by him, this incites the drunkard to use his presence of mind and sheer wit to try and emerge a hero in their eyes.