A high-stakes, global action-thriller that takes place in the city of Berlin, on the eve of the Wall’s collapse and the shifting of superpower alliances. Charlize Theron (“Mad Max: Fury Road”) portrays Lorraine Broughton, a top-level spy for MI6, who is dispatched to Berlin to take down a ruthless espionage ring that has just killed an undercover agent for reasons unknown. She is ordered to cooperate with Berlin station chief David Percival (James McAvoy of “X-Men”), and the two form an uneasy alliance, unleashing their full arsenal of skills in pursuing a threat that jeopardizes the West’s entire intelligence operation.
Tag Archives: flashbacks
Tum Mile
On a flight to Mumbai, Akshay meets with his wealthy ex-girlfriend, Sanjana, who is in the company of another male, Rajeev. He, a struggling artist, recalls how he met her in Cape Town and their moving in together. Differences crop up, and get worse, when he does not meet with her busy dad, leading to their taking different paths. After the plane lands they head out to their respective destinations – little knowing the danger that awaits them after the city experiences life-threatening heavy rains and floods.