The film centers around two drag performers: Bibbo, a Bollywood fashion designer and Shabbo, a dancer, who have a strenuous and often volatile relationship with each other. Though they are known to quarrel often, they are always able to reconcile soon after an argument and prove to others that they care about each other. They both have an attraction to Samir; an aspiring actor whom Bibbo claims is her driver, despite Bibbo not owning a car. The situation is further complicated by Mandy, Shabbo’s young western apprentice, who reveals he’s gay and admits to being attracted to Samir. Throughout the escapades and comic antics that occur during the scuffle to win Samir’s heart, Bibbo learns Shabbo’s secret that she is HIV-positive, and is not revealing her secret to Samir or possibly even to the entire city.
Tag Archives: gay
Kapoor & Sons (Since 1921)
The film is about this not so perfect family, where each of these members have their own flaws. It is basically a story about two brothers, a very successful Rahul (Fawad Khan) and an under-achiever Arjun (Sidharth Malhotra), who come to Coonoor, a hill station in Tamil Nanu to visit their grandfather (Rishi Kapoor).
Rahul is a successful novelist who is the ideal son of the family, the golden boy who is perfect, nice and very loving. Meanwhile, Arjun is the struggling, odd or say disreputable member of the family. Like any two siblings, these brothers also have love, rivalry and a bit of jealousy amongst each other, which is shown in a very subtle way by the director. Tia (Alia Bhatt) has a typical girl next door character that one will instantly fall in love with and adore throughout.