Sana Azim used to live in Junagadh with her widowed mom, and was discovered by Nikhil Rai, who introduced her to Bollywood’s tinsel screen – and thence there was no looking back for this actress. She lived with Nikhil – albeit in a strange relationship – as he ordered her around, controlled, and even physically abused her. When Journalist/Film-maker Aditya Garewal wrote about Sana he described her in very unflattering terms, angering her, leading to a well-publicized confrontation – which was merely a ploy used by Aditya in order to compel Sana to act in his movie – a ploy which was successful. Both started working together and were drawn to each other – a closeness that will draw Aditya in to Sana’s dark and unstable world, a world where Sana is now controlled by a woman named Rani, who has made her believe that Aditya is going to kill her – and the only way to deal with this threat – is to kill Aditya first.
Tag Archives: Parveen Babi
Amar Akbar Anthony
A ex-convict must flee his mob boss, leaving his family to fend for themselves. His wife goes blind and his children are abandoned. They are adopted by a Hindu policeman, a Muslim tailor, and a Catholic priest. The Hindu-raised son becomes a policeman in his turn; his Muslim-raised brother becomes a singer; and the last son, played by Amitabh, becomes a happy-go-lucky Catholic who lives on the edge of the law. The boys meet again and their lives become entangled in an incredible plot full of unlikely coincidences and furious action sequences interspersed with songs. In the end, the grieving mother recovers her sight, the evil mob boss is punished, and the family is at last re-united