Brought up by a gangster named Bharat Malik, Shivam Pandit lives a faithless and reckless lifestyle, doing the bidding of his mentor – which also includes being a hit-man. Bharat does not get along with his brother, Raj, and nephew, Munna, who also resent the fact that Bharat trusts Shivam more than he even trusts his son, Ronnie. Shivam’s life does change when he meets and falls in love with a devout Muslim woman, Aaliyah. Shivam wants to wed Aaliyah, but her father opposes this due to Shivam’s criminal background, and the fact that he has been in prison twice. When Shivam insists on getting married regardless of the consequences, Aaliyah’s dad aims a gun at him, but Shivam ducks and the bullet hits Aaliyah, killing her instantly. Shivam returns to his aimless lifestyle, this time in Hong Kong, still continuing to work for Bharat. When Bharat asks him to spy on his Pakistani mistress, Reema, Shivam does so, and finds out that she has a lover named Bilal. Shivam agrees to it but finally has a change of heart when he sees parallel between Reema and the caged birds Aaliyah used to sell to people for the purpose for freeing them from the cage. This leads to a face off between Shivam and Bharat leading to the movie’s climax.
Tag Archives: Shriya Saran
Vijay Salgaonkar runs a cable TV network in a remote village of Goa. He lives a happy life with his wife Nandini and two daughters. A 4th grade dropout & an orphan, Vijay has worked his way towards success with his sheer hard-work & street smartness in order to provide for his family. His wife, while she loves him devoutly, wants Vijay’s thrifty & miserly behavior to end. If there’s one thing that Vijay cannot live without, it is his passion for watching films. Such is his ‘filmy’ obsession that he doesn’t mind staying up all night at his office binging on TV movies! In a bizarre turn of events; a teenage boy goes missing; he is the son of a headstrong & no-nonsense cop; IG Meera Deshmukh and the Salgaonkar family is the prime suspect! Will a humble & middle class man, be able to protect his family from oppression of the powerful? How the family weathers the storm that ensues during the violent investigation forms the rest of the story leading to an unexpected & shocking climax.