The story of Jairaj and Ratna, two Bharat Natyam dancers past their prime, is contrasted with that of their daughter Lata, who is on the brink of establishing herself as a brilliant dancer. Her imminent success creates tension and jealousy, and the audience is drawn into the dark secrets of family relationships and conflicts between generations. The play probes the surface of the characters to question their deeper motivations, but the mode is comic rather than tragic, even though the concerns are serious, you are never sure whether to laugh or cry.
Tag Archives: stage
Aashiqui 2 (2013)
Rahul Jaiker (Aditya Rao Kapoor) is a successful singer but is a drug addict and has alcohol problems. One night in a bar he sees Aarohi (Shraddha Kapoor) performing his song. He is highly impressed and vows to make her a star. After some problems, Aarohi finally becomes a successful singer, however Rahul and his drinking issues is always a distraction for her. Will Rahul be able to get rid of his alcoholic habits? Or will Aarohi give up her singing career to save Rahul’s life?