Raised in a remote tribal village, Shivudu grows up a carefree young man who relentlessly pursues his heart’s desire. This leads him on an adventure to a completely unfamiliar territory. On this journey, he falls in love with Avantika, a Nishada soldier. To win her over, Shivudu takes on the dangerous mission of rescuing Devasena from the tyrant King Bhallaladeva. Shivudu manages to free Devasena and during their escape, uncovers the truth behind his mysterious past.
A flashback unfolds here with King Vikramadeva of Mahishmati passing away suddenly, leaving behind an empty throne and an orphaned son, Baahubali. The kind and righteous Sivagami, wife to Bijjaladeva and biological mother to Bhalladeva, goes onto adopt her nephew and raises him as her own. This decision however, bears consequences; having to share his mother’s love and the status of a crown prince, Bhallaladeva secretly grows to be highly jealous of and hateful toward Baahubali. His resentment further grows when his mother chooses Baahubali as the King of Mahishmati.
After establishing that Shivudu is in fact the son of Baahubali and Devasena, the film ends in a cliff-hanger, leaving the audience wondering about the death of Baahubali.
Tag Archives: Tamil
A group of immigrants (Pandi, Murugan, Afsal and Kumar) are detained by the local state police, tortured and forced to admit to a crime they have no knowledge of. When all hope seems to be lost, a policeman from their hometown speaks on their behalf at the court hearing, setting them free. The policeman asks for a return favor and the boys oblige, oblivious to the ill fate that awaits them. As they unwittingly bear witness to a political treason, the system seeks to silence them, at any cost. But Pandi is determined to be heard.