In an unspecified Indian village, an unlikely love triangle ensues between a married school teacher Shyam (Nawazuddin Siddiqui), his 14-year old student Sandhya (Shweta Tripathi) and her tuition mate Kamal (Irfan Khan). What transpires in this twisted taboo relationship forms the story.
Tag Archives: teacher
Rough Book
The Rough Book is a hard look at the education system in India. Though one of the finest systems in the world, the lacunae in the system have created issues which are threatening to clog the channels of learning in contemporary India today. The Story based on actual experiences of parents, teachers and students is told through the eyes of a teacher, Santoshi Kumari, who rallies through a divorce with a corrupt income tax officer to become a teacher of physics in school. Her pupils are in D division – “D” sarcastically referred to as Duffers within the school by both the students and other teachers. How Santoshi tackles a system to set her own terms for her students, forms the bulk of a simply told, yet completely thought provoking and urgent film. The rebellion of the teacher and her students are internalized to make a relevant and contemporary movie.
The Eclipse
Michael Farr (Ciaran Hinds), a widowed teacher living in an Irish seaside town, believes he has been seeing ghosts. Shaken but unsure, he volunteers at the town’s yearly literary festival and is assigned to author Lena Morelle (Iben Hjejle). Michael quickly falls for Lena who, it turns out, specializes in supernatural fiction. However, she is involved with someone else at the festival, married American writer Nicholas Holden (Aidan Quinn), and will not commit to Michael.
Debraj Sahay comes to teach a mute and blind, eight year old Michelle McNally after her parents get fed up of her daily histrionics. Over a span of many years Debraj not only teaches her manners but also makes her a literate and independent individual. He leads her from her pitch black world to one of light, love and joy. Enjoy this saga inspired from the inspirational real life story of Helen Keller.