As India, host of the 2011 World Cup of Cricket, begins its campaign to win the Cup after a 28-year drought, three ordinary Indians seek their salvation/escape from a difficult life through their passion for cricket – Sudhir, a penniless superfan who cycles across India to cheer the team; Prithvi, a 12-year old boy wonder who is a cricket prodigy; and Akshaya, a girl cricketer from Mumbai’s slums. We follow Sudhir to see what drives the man who has renounced so much, including marriage, for his dream of cheering Team India forever; Akshaya as she competes in the trials for selection to the Mumbai Women’s Team, and Prithvi as he copes with the unique pressures of being a cricket phenom in a cricket-crazy nation.
Tag Archives: World Cup
Chak De! India
Kabir Khan, a former hockey star, tainted as someone who betrayed his country, begins coaching the Indian women’s national hockey team to prove his loyalty to the nation.